A Palestinian child, whose house was shelled by Israeli forces in Gaza City, at al-Shifa hospital, Gaza City, July 18, 2014 |
Despite its huge American-backed military and media firepower, the Israeli regime is all but defeated. The Western-sponsored Zionist entity has lost militarily and morally in the eyes of the world as it pounds mercilessly the besieged civilian population of Gaza.
Regardless of so-called truces, broken as quickly as they are declared, the world has begun to see the real, heinous nature of the Israeli regime and that of its Western sponsors.
Not even its much-vaunted Iron Dome missile system - supplied courtesy of American taxpayers at a cost of billions of dollars – guarantees Israeli security as its population scurry everyday to air-raid shelters and live in constant fear.
Then the callous murder this week of four Palestinian boys playing on a beach in Gaza by Israeli forces and the latter’s sickening attempt to cover-up with its usual lies - that surely is one more death knell for the regime in Tel Aviv.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week reiterated the alleged purpose of Operation Protective Edge as “restoring quiet” from Palestinian rockets.
“We will use as much force as necessary in order to bring back the quiet to the people of Israel,” vowed Netanyahu.
Well over 1,000 Palestinian rockets have been fired on Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv, over the past 10 days. And there is no end in sight of the Palestinian arsenal being depleted. Yes, the Iron Dome system has intercepted many of these missiles, but the Israeli military has failed to make this occupying entity any more secure.
Considering the multi-billion-dollar bankrolling of this regime by successive American governments, that amounts to an abject military failure. Indeed, some Israeli military and political sources are now saying that a ground invasion into Gaza may have to be deployed to end the Palestinian resistance - an option that will bring even more military failure and international opprobrium, not to mention economic misery to an already teetering Israeli economy.
In saying all this, it is not meant to appear as bravado. We must remember that the military failure of the Israeli regime comes with a horrendous human price. More than 230 Palestinians, the vast majority of them civilians, have been killed in the latest round of Israeli military assaults from land, air and sea. Thousands more have been killed in the past seven years of Israel’s illegal blockade on the Gaza Strip.
Nevertheless, the unassailable fact is that all the American-supplied F16 warplanes, drones, helicopters, navy ships and artillery have once again failed to suppress the Palestinian people and their demand for justice.
Perhaps even more significant is the definitive moral defeat for the Israeli regime and its Western sponsors.
For decades, the Israeli regime has been indulged by Western governments and media to portray itself as an innocent party defending against Arab terrorism. To a large degree, that propaganda illusion succeeded in twisting the minds of the Western public in particular. However, today, more than ever, that fiction is being destroyed by Israel’s own insatiable terrorist bloodlust, and the craven, criminal support that the West bestows.
The world is a very different place from what it was only a mere few years ago, never mind decades ago, because of the emergence of alternative media and global communications. The propaganda lies that were spun previously can no longer be spun effectively today. And the vast majority of ordinary people around the world are waking up to a new, awful reality - that the Western governments are complicit in an ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people by a brutal colonial regime that calls itself “Israel.”
This evident, undeniable unfolding horror is forcing people to take a radical new look at the history books and to realise that the Israeli regime is nothing but a criminal and artificial impostor. The violence today is traced all the way back to the original crime overseen by Western governments in the creation of the Zionist occupation of Palestinian lands in 1948.
Western governments and mainstream media may continue to try to spin the same old apologetic narrative that gives the Israeli regime a diplomatic and moral cover. But, thanks to new global communications, that narrative is seen to be glaringly fraudulent, making these Western institutions complicit in ongoing crimes against humanity.
The killing this week by Israeli artillery fire of four young Palestinian boys who were playing innocently on a sandy beach in Gaza may put a shocking definitive end to this criminal complicity.
Washington, the main sponsor of the Israeli regime, has been upholding Israel’s “right to defend itself” from “Palestinian rocket attacks.”
US President Barack Obama this week deplored the deaths of Palestinian civilians as “collateral damage.” He, like other Western leaders, propagates the Israeli claim that its forces do not target non-combatants and that any casualties are the “tragic” result of Palestinian militants using the Gaza population as human shields.
But when the Israeli navy unleashed its shells on 11-year-old Mohammed Baker and his three younger cousins, the carnage was captured in photographs and videos by international journalists, who were staying at a nearby hotel. There were many other eyewitnesses to the atrocity, who likewise relayed the horrific scenes of indiscriminate killing of children, using their mobile phones. Initial Israeli claims that they were targeting Hamas militants were immediately seen for what they are - blatant, barefaced lies.
The murder of Mohammed and his cousins was by no means the first such atrocity over the past fortnight, nor over the years and decades of Western-backed Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.
But the latest brazen atrocity of shelling four kids playing on a beach serves to expose retrospectively all previous Israeli crimes for what they are. If the Israelis can lie about this gratuitous slaughter, how can they be believed on anything else they say?
The horror of Israeli state terrorism and Western criminal complicity exposed in the eyes of the world is most likely why Netanyahu has been forced into appearing to agree to a second ceasefire this week “for humanitarian reasons.”
As public protests mount all around the world, from New York to Mumbai, from London to Lima, calling for sanctions and prosecutions, the Israeli regime and its Western sponsors know that their historical machinations in Palestine are nearing the end.
The more than six-decade Western-backed Zionist project is facing defeat in every conceivable way - militarily, politically and morally. Its corrupted days are surely numbered.

Finian Cunningham (born 1963) has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in journalism. He is also a musician and songwriter. For nearly 20 years, he worked as an editor and writer in major news media organisations, including
The Mirror,
Irish Times and
Independent. Originally from Belfast, Ireland, he is now located in East Africa as a freelance journalist, where he is writing a book on Bahrain and the Arab Spring, based on eyewitness experience working in the Persian Gulf as an editor of a business magazine and subsequently as a freelance news correspondent. The author was deported from Bahrain in June 2011 because of his critical journalism in which he highlighted systematic human rights violations by regime forces. He is now a columnist on international politics for Press TV and the Strategic Culture Foundation.
More articles by Finian Cunn
Source: Press TV